Commercial office fit out design has never looked the same since COVID. With the need for various health safety protocols to be followed, there’s also the need to make changes to previous incarnations of corporate fitouts in Melbourne. As one of the leading office fit out companies in Victoria, Ultimate Chippy is well aware of the actions that must be taken to ensure a healthy workplace and a functional fit out design.
In these changing times, it’s necessary to be prepared by engaging in a conversation with office fit out companies in Melbourne who can best help you to keep your workplace safe. We simply don’t know what the future holds, which is why moving forward it’s important to have the infrastructure in place to account for any eventuality. Fitouts in Melbourne now require a certain level of flexibility to accommodate the rapidly changing circumstances of the global marketplace. We don’t know when the next big pandemic might hit, but choosing a commercial fit out that speaks to the need for social distancing and protection against the spread of viruses is by all accounts a good move.
As your preferred fit out company, Ultimate Chippy understands the requirements for a healthy workplace. We know that an office fit out will sometimes need the locations of workstations changed or rearranged to allow for more space between workers. We can advise you on the ideal locations of workstations when it comes to office fitouts in Melbourne. It can be confusing trying to take into account all the rules and regulations, but you don’t have to worry – our team is across all stipulations for office design and fit out to ensure your fitout complies with health regulations from the Australian Government.
Depending on your current office fit out design, we may need to add or modify existing workstations so that they’re more user-friendly. For example, perhaps your workforce has moved to working on laptops when they previously worked on desktops. If this is the case, any commercial fit out companies working with you would have to amend your workstations to make them more user-friendly for working on laptops. This is very important, as it is ideal that commercial fitouts in Melbourne are made to be as ergonomic as possible. When your large or small office fit out is ergonomic, you’re more likely to get better efficiency out of your employees. Keep in mind that interior fit out companies in Melbourne should never rush towards ensuring hygiene standards without ensuring ergonomics are also catered for.
In the space of retail fitouts in Melbourne, there’s a high likelihood of virus transmission due to the close contact between customer and service representative. As a result, the use of sneeze guard screens in shop fitouts in Melbourne is advised. However, even in commercial office fitouts, the workforce can greatly benefit from the implementation of sneeze guards. As the nature of a sneeze is usually unexpected, incorporating sneeze guards in an office fitting is a great way to help prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. Many illnesses are air-borne, caught through transmission when a person sneezes or coughs. This is why commercial fit out companies in Melbourne often recommend including sneeze guards in the modern office fit out.
The following are some best practice tips for working safely post COVID, including:
If you’re not sure how to handle workplace health and safety in a post COVID world, Ultimate Chippy can help you as one of the leading fit out companies in Melbourne. We know what’s necessary for a safe, modern office fitout. If you need assistance, call us now on (03) 9504 4036.